Visiting and information
Newsletter of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova
Newsletter of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova
Accreditation of journalists in Parliament

Observator European

Integritatea este Libertate

Parliamentary development in the Republic of Moldova
Relații cu cetățeanul
Asistență externă
Structure of the Parliament > Standing Committees
Standing Committees

Standing committees are working bodies of the Parliament, constituted for ensuring Parliament functionality. Standing committees are directly subordinated and responsible in front of the Parliament. The statue of their functioning is established on the basis of the Regulation of the Parliament and the Decision nr. 48-XVIII from 29.10.2009

Standing Committees are elected for the period of legislature mandate. The number of committees, their title, numerical and nominal composition are decided by the Parliament on the basis of proposal from the Standing Bureau. The Parliament of 11th legislature is constituted from 11 standing committees:



Discursul Președintelui Parlamentului, Igor Grosu, la finalul sesiunii de primăvară 2024 a Parlamentului
Discursul Președintelui Parlamentului, Igor Grosu, la finalul sesiunii de primăvară 2024 a Parlamentului
Last legislative acts adopted
   The Moldovan Parliament’s website design was supported by the “Democracy Support Programme in Moldova" – an initiative financed by the European Union and implemented by the Council of Europe