Visiting and information
Newsletter of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova
Newsletter of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova
Accreditation of journalists in Parliament

Observator European

Integritatea este Libertate

Parliamentary development in the Republic of Moldova
Relații cu cetățeanul
Asistență externă
Structure of the Parliament > Members of the Parliament
Members of the Parliament
Domenti Oxana

Domenti Oxana


Political party: Parliamentary Faction of the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova
Permanent Committee: Committee for economy, budget and finance
Parliament Activity


Plenary Sittings Declaration Title
Şedinţa plenară din 13.03.2014
Parliament Diplomacy activity [View ALL]
Delegation/Friend Group Name Description
EU-Moldova Parliamentary Association Committee <p>-</p>
Grupul de prietenie cu Regatul Belgiei Grupul de prietenie cu Regatul Belgiei
Grupul de prietenie cu Regatul Suediei Grupul de prietenie cu Regatul Suediei
Grupul de prietenie cu Republica Italiană Grupul de prietenie cu Republica Italiană
Grupul de prietenie cu România Grupul de prietenie cu România
wealth declaration:

 Declaratia pe anul 2010

 Declaratia pe anul 2011

 Declaratia pe anul 2012

 Declaratia pe anul 2013

 Declarația pe anul 2014



Curriculum Vitae:


Jan 2015 – pres.

·         Member of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova (XX legislature);

·         Member of the Parliamentary Association Committee of the RM-EU;

·         Member of the delegation of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly (EURONEST);

·         Chair of the Parliamentary Friendship Group of the RM-Canada;

·         Co-Chair of the European and Central Asian Branch of the Global Parliamentary TB Caucus; member of Executive Board of Global TB   founder of the national parliamentarian TB Caucus (engaged in the fight against tuberculosis);

·         Member of the Governing Board of Women's Parliamentarian Caucus of the Republic of Moldova;

·         Member of the Global Parliamentarian Network on the World bank and International Monetary Fund;

·         WHO international consultant in tobacco control area.

Jan 2015 – July 2017

Chair of Parliamentary committee for social protection, health and family, The Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, legislature XX;

Oct 2013 – Dec 2014

Deputy Chair of Parliamentary committee for economy, budget and finance, The Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, legislature XIX

Dec 2010 – Oct 2013

Deputy Chair of Parliamentary committee for social protection, health and family, The Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, legislature XIX

Aug 2009 – Dec 2010

MP of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, legislature XVIII

May 2009 – Aug 2009

Chair of Parliamentary committee for social protection, health and family, The Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, legislature XVII

May 2003 – May 2009

Adviser to the President of the Republic of Moldova on Social Development Issues. The Presidency of the Republic of Moldova (the permanent presidential senior staff)

In this same period:

·         Member of Governing Board of National Health Insurance Company;

·         Member of Governing Board of National Social Security Agency;

·         Member of the National Committee to Combat Human Trafficking;

·         Member of the National Committee for Protection of Child Rights;

·         Member of the National Committee on Population and Development, etc.

2008 – 2009

UNICEF, Consultant on Social Development issues

2006 – 2008

Leading Researcher, National Institute for Economic Research

1994 – 2003

Associate professor, Department of Banking and Stock Exchange, Faculty of Finance, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova

Author of different scientific publications in Economic and Social Fields

(Information available on request)


2017 –present

MSc in Public Health Programme

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

2007 – 2008

Master Degree in European Social Security

”Katholieke Universiteit of Leuven”

”European Institute of Social Security”

Leuven, Belgium

1997 – 2001

PhD in Economics, Faculty of Management

Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova

Chisinau, Moldova

1989 – 1994

Bachelor of Economics, Faculty of Management

Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova

Chisinau, Moldova


July 2017

Observatory Venice Summer School on “Placing the person in the centre of the health system: concepts, strategies, results”

Awarded by:

European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies (a partnership hosted by WHO)

Regione del Veneto

European Union of Medical Specialists

Venice, Italy  

July – August 2007

Summer University Courses in Administration and Management of Health Services

Awarded by:

Swiss Tropical Institute (Switzerland)

Institute of Microeconomics and Economics of the Public Sector, University of Lugano

Department of Health Administration, University of Montreal (Canada)

Health Section, Department of Health and Social Welfare, Canton of Ticino (Switzerland)

Latin Association for the Analysis of Health Systems (ALASS)

Ascona, Ticino, Switzerland

On request

Other various international professional trainings and study visits to European countries on social and health-related field



CIS Interparliamentary Assembly Award


WHO European Region 2016 Award for Accomplishments in the area of Tobacco Control and Public Health


The State Order “The Labour Glory”


The Church Order "Cuvioasa Parascheva"


Romanian – Native

Russian – Native

English - Professional Working Proficiency

French - Professional Working Proficiency



Volleyball, running (participating in social marathons)


Reading, travelling to experience diverse cultures, playing violin, guitar, composing songs and music


Promoting human rights, organising campaign on supporting vulnerable social groups, charity activities 

Contact details:

 [email protected]

Discursul Președintelui Parlamentului, Igor Grosu, la finalul sesiunii de primăvară 2024 a Parlamentului
Discursul Președintelui Parlamentului, Igor Grosu, la finalul sesiunii de primăvară 2024 a Parlamentului
Last legislative acts adopted
   The Moldovan Parliament’s website design was supported by the “Democracy Support Programme in Moldova" – an initiative financed by the European Union and implemented by the Council of Europe