Visiting and information
Newsletter of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova
Newsletter of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova
Accreditation of journalists in Parliament

Observator European

Integritatea este Libertate

Parliamentary development in the Republic of Moldova
Relații cu cetățeanul
Asistență externă
Legislative process > Draft legislative acts
Draft legislative acts

Proiectul de hotărâre cu privire la încheierea sesiunii a doua ordinare a anului 2021

Stage: Approved
Data: 12/22/2021
Law Number: Nr. 248
Published: 325-333
Final Text: HP248 ro.docx
Stages and artifacts
  • Initiation
  • Registration Number: 417
    Registration date: 12/22/2021
    Authors: Biroul permanent
    Innitial Text:
    Additional Documents:
  • Examination
  • Debating
  • Lecture Plenary Sitting Status Documents
    Lectura 1 Şedinţa plenară din 24.12.2021 Approved
  • Adoption
  • Data Status Documents
    12/22/2021 Inregistrata
    12/22/2021 InExaminare
    12/24/2021 Dezbatere
    12/28/2021 Adoptata
    12/28/2021 Adoptare
    12/28/2021 Promulgata
    12/31/2021 Publicata

    Status: Adopted
    Published: 325-333
    Final Text: HP248 ro.docx
Discursul Președintelui Parlamentului, Igor Grosu, la finalul sesiunii de primăvară 2024 a Parlamentului
Discursul Președintelui Parlamentului, Igor Grosu, la finalul sesiunii de primăvară 2024 a Parlamentului
Last legislative acts adopted
   The Moldovan Parliament’s website design was supported by the “Democracy Support Programme in Moldova" – an initiative financed by the European Union and implemented by the Council of Europe