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Moldovan parliament speaker leaves for Vilnius on working visit

05.10.2022  Ceremonie de acordare a distincțiilor Parlamentului cu ocazia Zilei profesionale a lucrătorilor din învățământ

Chisinau, September, 8, 2023 - Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu pays a working visit to Vilnius on 8-10 September.   

In Vilnius, the Moldovan parliament speaker will meet Speaker of the Seimas Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė and Foreign Affairs Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis.  

The visit’s agenda includes discussions with MPs, the head of the Seimas’ foreign affairs committee Žygimantas Pavilionis, the head of the national security and defence committee, Laurynas Kasčiūnas, the head of the economy committee and of the group of inter-parliamentary relations with Moldova, Kazys Starkevičius. 

The Moldovan parliament speaker will discuss opportunities of investments in Moldova with the leadership of the Free Economic Zone from Kaunas and representatives of Lithuanian companies.

At the same time, Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu will participate in the opening of the plenary session of the Lithuanian Seimas, due to take place on 10 September. During the visit, Igor Grosu will be accompanied by the head of the parliament’s commission for foreign policy and European integration, Doina Gherman.

Directorate for Communication and Public Relations of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova


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