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Guarantee ceiling for bank deposits to double to 100 thousand lei this year

22.06.2023 - Ședința plenară a Parlamentului

Chisinau, 22 June 2023 - The bank deposit guarantee ceiling will double this year to 100 thousand lei (5 thousand euros), and in 2025, it will be increased to 200 thousand lei. The draft law on guaranteeing deposits in banks was adopted today by the Parliament, in the second reading.

The document transposes the provisions of the EU Directive in the field and aims to strengthen financial stability by ensuring the timely payment of guaranteed deposits from banks undergoing forced liquidation.

According to the draft law, developed by the Government, some categories of deposits will be covered in volume of 200% of the coverage level, for a period of up to three months, after the amount has been credited, or from the date on which the respective deposits can be legally transferred.

Deposits in foreign currency will be guaranteed by compensating their equivalent in Moldovan lei at the official exchange rate established by the National Bank of Moldova on the date of their unavailability. Contrary to the regulations in force, the approved bill will reduce the term for initiation of payments.

Directorate for Communication and Public Relations of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova

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