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Owners of vehicles with foreign registration numbers to be able to pay lower customs duties for them

08.06.2023 Ședința plenară a Parlamentului Republicii Moldova

Chisinau, 8 June 2023 - The transport means with exploitation term longer than seven years on the date of payment of the import rights, which move in Moldova, but are registered in another state or on the left bank of Dniester, might be placed in customs regime of import with the payment of the excise duty worth 30 per cent of the excise duty’s quota established for 2023.    

The lawmakers today approved, in the first reading, a draft law on the amendment of more legislative acts, including the Customs Code.  

MP Ion Groza, who is one of the authors of the legislative initiative, reasoned that the excise duty presently imposed on the vehicles with the concerned status is exaggerated and it depends on the volume of the car’s engine.     

Also, the transport means introduced in Moldova till 1 January 2023, but which currently no longer exist (were destroyed or sold for spare parts, which is confirmed through justificatory documents or person’s declaration on his/her own responsibility), upon a request of the person who imported the vehicle to Moldova and declared this transport means through action, will be excluded from the information system of the Customs Service, following the payment of the import rights worth 15,000 lei.     

Authors say that, starting from 1 January 2024, the new Customs Code will enter into force and one of its provisions is the limiting of the presence in Moldova to 180 days of the transport means with registration plates made on the territory of another state.     

At present, about 180,000 transport means placed in customs regime of temporary admission move in Moldova.

Directorate for Communication and Public Relations of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova

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