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SIS director's duties to be adjusted

08.06.2023 Ședința plenară a Parlamentului Republicii Moldova

Chisinau,  8 June 2023 - MPs voted today a draft law on the Intelligence and Security Service /SIS/ in the second reading. The document aims to ensure the independence of the SIS activity, to review the mandate of the institution's management, to specify the duties.

The lawmakers announced that the opinion of the Venice Commission was requested on this project. Subsequently, more than 20 public debates were organized, during which the objections and proposals stated by the Venice Commission, as well as by the institutions concerned, were examined.

Thus, when finalizing the draft law, the SIS attributions were conceptually reviewed and the obligations and powers were expressly set, excluding ambiguities and excessive rights. Also, the duties of the director of the institution were adjusted.

Directorate for Communication and Public Relations of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova

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