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Moldovan parliament turns down motion of censure on government's work

Chisinau, 22 September - The motion of censure on the government’s work, filed by the parliamentary faction of the Bloc of Communists and Socialists (BECS), was turned down with the votes of 44 lawmakers today, after almost five hours of discussions.

Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilita gave a report to the parliament’s plenum. The PM stressed that no government had faced such crises so far. ‘’The motion of censure to which I respond today is a compilation of lies,’’ Gavrilita said.

The PM reviewed all actions undertaken by the cabinet to back the citizens, in the context of the increase in prices for fuels and inflation, trigged by the latter. She specified that, in the last year, the quantum of social benefit had been revised, the minimum salary had increased, assistance had been provided for the cold season and compensations for gas. ‘’We increased the subsidization fund in agriculture by 60 per cent. We extended by 40 per cent the list of compensated medicines, we endowed more hospitals with modern equipment and provided them with new ambulances,’’ Gavrilita said.

The prime minister also said the cabinet had already undertaken a string of measures, in order to be able to cope with the cold season. ‘’We buy crude oil now, we purchased coal, we stock gas, we have the programme on supply with wood. We have a programme which sees what each state institution separately should do,’’ Gavrilita said.

„Do not doubt for any moment our good intentions and our capacities. Moldova will get out of the crisis, as it is not alone,’’ the PM concluded.

Under the parliament’s regulation, the motion of censure on the government’s work is subjected to discussions on the first day of plenary meeting of the next week after the date when it was submitted and is adopted with the votes of the majority of the MPs elected.

Directorate for Communication and Public Relations of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova

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