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Undisciplined drivers to be tougher sanctioned in Moldova

Chisinau, 15 September  - Drivers who infringe the traffic regulations will be sanctioned tougher. The lawmakers adopted a draft law to this effect in the first reading today.

One of the provisions of the draft is the suspension of the right to drive transport means for a period from 30 to 45 days, if drivers exceed the speed limit by from 40 km/hour to 60 km/hour. If the speed limit is exceeded by from 60 km/hour up to 80 km/hour beyond the limit allowed, the right to drive the transport means will be suspended up to 75 days.

Also, the owners of transport means who refuse or evade communicating the identity of the person to whom the driving of vehicle was entrusted and infringed the traffic rules will be sanctioned contraventionally.

The lawmaker also proposed to diminish certain sanctions. For instance, drivers who do not observe the road marking will be only warned, which is an option besides the fine.

The draft law was worked out by the Interior Ministry.

Directorate for Communication and Public Relations of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova


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Discursul Președintelui Parlamentului, Igor Grosu, la finalul sesiunii de primăvară 2024 a Parlamentului
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