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Moldova to benefit from additional financing on behalf of USA


Chisinau, August 29, 2024 - Moldova will benefit from additional financing on behalf of the United States for sustainable economic growth and consolidation of the participatory democracy. The members of the parliamentary commission for foreign policy and European integration have approved the initiation of the negotiations of two amendments: to the Agreement on assistance for the consolidation of the participatory democracy and to the Agreement on assistance for sustainable economic growth anchored in the European integration.  

Thus, the amendment to the Agreement on assistance for the consolidation of the participatory democracy envisages the providing of additional assistance as grant worth 12,232,777 dollars. Through this additional contribution, the sum of the funds of this Agreement will be increased to 134,632,542.51 dollars. The money will be allocated for the development of the active civic culture, cooperation with independent media organizations and improvement of the services of the local public administration.  

The amendment to the Agreement on assistance for sustainable economic growth anchored in the European integration sees the earmarking of additional financial resources as grant worth 26,011,426 dollars. Thus, the financial funds allocated through this Agreement will reach 432,402,507 dollars – non-refundable assistance. The money will be used for consolidating the trade, exports and the competitiveness of products on market. Also, these funds will be used for enhancing the energy security through the diversification of the sources of supply with energy and strengthening the security and independence of the energy infrastructure.  

The two assistance agreements were concluded between the governments of Moldova and the United States and were signed on 28 September 2016.

Directorate for Communication and Public Relations of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova


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Discursul Președintelui Parlamentului, Igor Grosu, la finalul sesiunii de primăvară 2024 a Parlamentului
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