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Hecenii folk dance ensemble awarded Parliament Diploma

11.04.2024 Ședința plenară a Parlamentului Republicii Moldova

Chisinau, April, 11 - Hecenii folk dance ensemble from Heciul Nou, Sangerei district, has been awarded Parliament Diploma. The award was conferred by Speaker Igor Grosu as a token of gratitude and high appreciation for promoting Romanian national traditions.

Choreographer Dionisie Cobîlaș, who has been leading the ensemble since the age of 19, has a special merit in achieving the performances.

Government announced that it would allocate the money from the reserve fund to solve the problem of the headquarters, as well as other issues raised by members of the ensemble. "These children and all children in this country must develop in good conditions, that's why we will continue to invest in children," said Igor Grosu.

Directorate for Communication and Public Relations of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova

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