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Identity papers of Moldova's citizens to be replaced by identity cards

28.03.2024 Ședința plenară a Parlamentului Parlamentului Republicii Moldova

Chisinau, March, 28 - The identity cards will be introduced nationally and will replace the identity papers. Also, the foreign citizens will receive residence cards, which will replace the permits of stay and the identity cards issued to the foreign citizens.    

The legislative initiative was elaborated by the Public Services Agency (ASP), in order to adjust the national legislation to the rigours of the European Union’s acquis, put into circulation new types of identity acts which contain an advanced level of security of data and this would facilitate the holder’s access to multiple public services. Also, the documents will allow Moldova’s citizens to travel freely to the EU area.

The identity card will be compulsory for all Moldova’s citizens started the age of 14 years. Both the identity card and the temporary identity card will be written in the Romanian and English languages. Their content will not contain the information on the residence or temporary residence of the holder. This data will be available on the MConnect governmental platform. Thus, the holders will no longer be obliged to change the identity acts when they change the place of residence.  

The identity cards will be issued with different validity terms: four years, for people with ages between 0 and 7 years; seven years, for people with ages between 7 and 14 years; ten years, for people with ages between 14 and 70 years and for indefinite period for people older than 70 years. 

The environment of electronic stocking of data will be included in the identity and residence cards. It will contain both the data from the printed format and the biometric data (facial image, fingerprints), as well as the means of the qualified electronic signature and the public key certificates. Due to this fact, the holders of the documents will have easier access to the e-governance and e-business services.  

The legislative amendments will enter into force not later than 31 March 2025.  

Directorate for Communication and Public Relations of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova

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