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Days of annual leave unused by employees during two years to be regarded cancelled in Moldova

14.03.2024 Ședința plenară a Parlamentului Republicii Moldova

Chisinau, 14 March 2024 - The days of the annual leave, which are not used by employees during two years, will be regarded as cancelled. A draft law to this effect today was approved with the votes of 56 lawmakers in the second reading.  

Under the document, at the end of the calendar year, the employer will inform the employee, in written form, about the number of days of the annual leave accumulated/unused, the term of their expiration and will demand the use of these leave days by the employer based on a schedule established by common agreement.  

At the same time, the leave days unused by the employee till the entrance into force of the provisions of the present draft law will be able to be used till 31 December 2029.  

The other legislative amendments see that the office of head of an administrative authority subordinated to the ministry should be public office. At present, this is a leadership public position. Also, they suggest that the office of deputy head should be changed into leadership public office of high level.   

The draft proposes the establishment of the reserve corps of civil servants, in order to enhance the attractiveness of the public office and attract the most advanced specialists to public service. Thus, the civil servants who, for specific reasons, resigned or were dismissed will be able to accede to public office again without participating in the contest.  

Also, the draft law suggests that the graduates of the programme of paid probations in public service, who have a complete probation and got the ‘’very good’’ mark, but who were not put forward for appointment to a public office of execution, should be included in the reserve corps or probationers for a period of 12 months after the issuance of the probation certificate.    

A new element is the introduction of the medical practice as activity compatible with the public office, being carried outside the working schedule.   

The draft law was worked out by the State Chancellery, in the context of the implementation of the recommendations from the SIGMA monitoring Report, Moldova’s performance in public administration in relation with Public Administration Principles and of the commitments taken in the process of accession to EU.

Directorate for Communication and Public Relations of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova

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