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Moldova to borrow 150 million euros from top European bank for roads' rehabilitation

13.03.2024 Ședința Comisiei economie, buget și finanțe

Chisinau, 13 March 2024 - The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will provide Moldova with a loan worth 150 million euros for the rehabilitation of two road segments. A draft law on the ratification of an agreement on loan to this effect was considered at a today’s meeting of the parliamentary commission for economy, budget and finances.    

The 150 million euros cover a half of the sum needed for the implementation of the Project V on the rehabilitation of roads from Moldova. The rest of the money will be provided by the European Investment Bank.   

As a result, the second segment of the Chisinau belt road will be rehabilitated. The road, with a length of seven km, will be extended to four lanes. Also, the road which makes the connection between the border with Romania, Leuseni, Chisinau, Dubasari and the border with Ukraine will be modernized. It has a length of 85 km.

Directorate for Communication and Public Relations of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova   

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