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Moldova to sign Ljubljana – The Hague Convention on International Cooperation in Crimes' Investigation

07.02.2024 Ședința Comisiei politică externă și integrare europeană

Chisinau, 7 February, 2024 - Moldova will sign the Ljubljana- The Hague Convention on International Cooperation in the Investigation and Prosecution of the Crime of Genocide, Crimes against Humanity, War Crimes and other International Crimes. The parliamentary commission for foreign policy and European integration has approved the evaluation notice which stipulates this.  

The Convention’s goal is to consolidate the investigation and the prosecution in the international law. The document will establish an instrument of cooperation between the signatory parties on issues dealing with the collection and sharing of evidence, carrying out of joint investigations, extradition of suspects (accused) and convicts, as well as the taking of measures to support the rights of the victims and witnesses. Thus, after the signing of the Convention and its ratification by the parliament, Moldova will have at the basis of the international cooperation in criminal issues a single modern and unified legal instrument, which will facilitate the request and the providing of international legal assistance.   

The draft of the Ljubljana- The Hague Convention was approved in last May. Delegations from 68 countries participated in the working out of the document and the process of negotiation lasted almost 10 years. The Convention will be open for signing as of 14 February 2024.

Directorate for Communication and Public Relations of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova


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