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Moldova to receive 1.9 million euros on behalf of Japan for backing farmers

01.02.2024 Ședința plenară a Parlamentului Republicii Moldova

Chisinau, 1 February, 2024 - Moldova will benefit from a grant on behalf of the government of Japan for the implementation of the project, Farmers’ Supply with Fertilizers. The parliament today ratified an Agreement which provides for non-refundable assistance worth about 1.9 million euros.   

The agreement’s goal is to facilitate the access of small- and medium-sized farmers to cheap financial sources, in order to buy fertilizers, seed material, pesticides, etc. The farmers will get access to fertilizers of low price, exempted from the value added tax at import and with possibility of payment in installments and without security.  

The institution in charge of the project’s implementation will be Agency for Development and Modernization of the Agriculture.  

Directorate for Communication and Public Relations of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova


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