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Moldova to receive financial assistance on behalf of Germany

17.01.2024 Ședința Comisiei politică externă și integrare europeană

Chisinau, 17 January, 2024 - Moldova will benefit from non-refundable financial assistance on behalf of Germany for projects on the development of small- and medium-sized enterprises and on urban infrastructure.

The parliamentary commission for foreign policy and European integration approved the evaluation notice on the starting of negotiations and approval of the signing of the draft Agreement with the government of Germany for the financing of the projects, Facilitation of the Development of Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Moldova, Facilitation of Development of SMEs from Moldova Additional Measures, Open Programme on Urban Development from Moldova and Open Programme on Urban Development from Moldova Additional Measures.    

The financial means, worth 24.7 million euros will be provided by the Credit Institute for Reconstruction (KfW). Thus, the project, Facilitation of the Development of SMEs in Moldova, aimed at extending the supply of loans at accessible prices for the SMEs from Moldova, will benefit from financing worth up to 10 million euros in all.      

Financial resources worth up to 700,000 euros will be provided for the financing of the project, Facilitation of Development of SMEs from Moldova Additional Measures. The partner of implementation of the projects meant for SMEs’ development will be the Economic Development and Digitalization Ministry and the agency implementing the projects – the Organization for Entrepreneurship Development.  

The project, Open Programme on Urban Development from Moldova, regards the rehabilitation of the present infrastructure, implementation of the new infrastructure and sustainable from the ecological viewpoint in the water and sewerage sectors, as well as of energy efficiency field, will benefit from financing amounting up to 13 million euros.    

At the same time, financial means worth up to one million euros will be provided for the project, Open Programme on Urban Development from Moldova Additional Measures.


Directorate for Communication and Public Relations of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova


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