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Information on evolution of One-billion-dollar-theft file to be unveiled in Moldova's parliament

15.12.2023 Ședința Biroului permanent al Parlamentului

Chisinau, 18 December, 2023 - Information on the evolution of the One-billion-dollar-theft file will be unveiled in Moldova’s parliament. The hearings will be held on 21-28 December 2023.   

Thus, the MPs will hear information presented by the Prosecutor General’s Office (PG), specialized prosecutor’s offices, National Anticorruption Centre, Intelligence and Security Service, Crime Assets Recovery Agency, National Bank of Moldova, Finance Ministry and National Union of Bailiffs.       

At the last parliament meetings of the 2023 autumn session, the lawmakers will consider over 50 legislative initiatives. Among them, there is the draft law on the state budget for 2024, the draft law on the state social insurances budget for 2024 and the draft law on the mandatory health insurances accounts for 2024.

The MPs will also examine amendments to the Law on the exercising of the profession of physician, the Law on culture, the Law on waste, the Law on the parks for information technology.   

Directorate for Communication and Public Relations of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova

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Discursul Președintelui Parlamentului, Igor Grosu, la finalul sesiunii de primăvară 2024 a Parlamentului
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   The Moldovan Parliament’s website design was supported by the “Democracy Support Programme in Moldova" – an initiative financed by the European Union and implemented by the Council of Europe