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System of separate collection of waste to be established in Moldova

15.12.2023 Ședința plenară a Parlamentului Republicii Moldova

Chisinau, 15 December, 2023 - The parliament today approved a draft on amendment of the Law on waste.   

The legislative initiative was worked out by the Environment Ministry and is set to adjust the national legislation to the European Union’s one.

The document proposes the introduction of more definitions, such as the ones on non-dangerous waste, municipal waste, waste coming from activities of construction and demolitions, food waste, waste of material turning to account, waste of lining and of schemes of extended liability of producers. Also, the normative act clarifies the procedure of ceasing of the status of waste and establishes the measures for the prevention of waste’s generation.    

To enhance the rates of preparation for the recycling and reuse of waste, the authorities must ensure a better observance of the obligation to collect the waste separately. In this respect, the draft sees that the public administration authorities are obliged to establish a system of separate collection of waste, at least for the waste of paper, metal, plastic and glass. At the same time, the draft includes additional regulations for the administration of the service of municipal waste management.     

The draft also regulates the requirements for the installations authorized for the collection, stocking, turning to account and removing of waste. The document also establishes the duties of the subjects involved in the management of waste (producers of waste, operators of waste management installation), as well as in the case of the ceasing of the waste management activity. Other provisions of the draft regard the duties of the sellers of packing in the warehouse system; requirements for the manager of the system of warehouse of the reusable packing and the manager of the system of warehouse for the disposable packing.   

Directorate for Communication and Public Relations of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova

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